I don't see any availability for the dates I need?
If you don't see availability for the days and times you are looking for, reach out and we will check to make sure that it is not a system error, or we may have a sitter who is sometimes available, but isn't listed as a regular sitter. If there isn't anyone available, we can place you on a waitlist.
What if I don't make it back on time?
While we know that you'll do your very best to be back in time for the ending of your scheduled care session, we also know that things happen! Let us know as soon as you realize there might be a chance that you will be late, as there may be times when your caregiver has another family to get to, or their own, in which case, another caregiver will be sent in their place. Your children will never be left unattended or with an individual who hasn't already gone through our rigorous screening process. You will be billed for the additional time.
Can I meet my scheduled caregiver ahead of time?
Yes! Send us a quick email at hello@kindred-kids.com to request a 5-10 minute zoom call with a sitter or book directly on our booking page. You can use this time to tell us things we should know about your kids or home, or just say hello! Get acquainted and feel confident booking with us. You might see friends you already know on our calendar, or you might get comfortable with someone who has come to you before. You are encouraged to choose those caregivers! We know how much your families mean to you and we value your comfort and trust.
What about discipline?
The Kindred Kids team is made up of caregivers who believe that children should be treated in a kind and respectful manner, always. We do our best to redirect, and gently diffuse sibling conflict, while keeping the safety of all in mind. We give parents a full report upon their return and will bring up any specific incidences that occurred, but should not be expected to administer any consequences such as timeouts alone, spanking, scolding, etc. Natural consequences and two way conversation are more our speed.
Do you offer nanny/longterm contracts?
At this time we are not able to offer ongoing arrangements with our families. You may book ahead for several days as needed, but we cannot guarantee the same sitter for all of your care sessions. Flexibility is the name of the game for both families and sitters!
Can you help with school pick-ups?
Due to safety measures in place at all schools, any adult who is to remove a child from school care must have prior authorization and be listed in documents maintained by the school. As such, since we cannot guarantee that you will regularly have the same babysitter, we cannot arrange for this as a service, at this time.
What's the Kindred Family Membership?
Our family membership plan is available to all families with an annual fee of $100. The membership gives you a $5 discount off of every hour of regular care. (Sick child and overnight care not included in offer.) Send us an email to enroll in our program, and include a photo of your child's IEHP card where applicable for our IEHP rate.